…and I need some h.a.p.p.y. today. Read the rest of this entry
Monthly Archives: April 2013
Choo choo…
I’m on the Acela train, coming home from two long days of work in Baltimore.
coffee conundrum!
A weird thing happened today. I talked to Peter….. LOL – NO – that’s not the weird thing! We have been married for 8 years, but C.O.M.E. O.N. P.E.O.P.L.E! LOL
My week ended today in my seat in the back row of the 8am Weight Watchers Meeting in East Brunswick. It had been a busy one. Full of hectic, indecision, work, errands, travel, homework, worry, insomnia, laughs, happiness, running — all of it A very normal week of L.i.v.i.n.g. But how I chose to deal with it was different. And THAT was this week’s progress!
nothing beats home-made!
My daughter Erin takes an elective in school called Chef’s Lab. It’s what they called in my day…Home Economics! She came home last week with a muffin recipe and announced to us all that We — her Homies — were getting Banana Nut muffins a la Erin on Sunday! S-C-O-R-E! I LOVE homemade muffins! especially if I don’t have to bake them myself!
Remember polarity!
Anyone who has attempted to lose weight, a considerable amount of weight, knows….the emotional swings that come with it. So much so that from week to week the pendulum can swing from highs to lows….maybe even more than once in any given week! Hopefully we will never know the real pain and suffering that comes with having bipolar disorder.…but even as a healthy person — if you allow it — the process of losing weight can get so intense….that your emotions get tied to the scale – and your life can become a game of Chance every time you get on the thing.
becoming r.e.a.l.
Nice and easy. No build-up of pressure. No burden to carry. Just a healthy dose of reality and accountability. One day at a time. One meal at a time.
Being real — is hard.
Being real — hurts, sometimes.
Memories come flooding back, of one of my f.a.v.o.r.i.t.e. books!
Back to see the Shoe Dog
Two days into my Dumbo Double Dare training .. (i just love saying that! Ha!) … and the heel on my right foot is sore. Again. Still. I’m not sure which. Plantar Fasciitis! My nemesis.
The Weight Watchers topic this week was ….”Why we do the things we do….” Food Psychoanalysis!! D@mn, I rode my bike so fast to the meeting, I think I left a jet stream behind me on Old Bridge Turnpike!