Happy Happy Mother’s Day

Happy Happy Mother’s Day

Around the USA, Mom’s are waking up to breakfasts in bed, flowers,  and cards filled with Spa gift certificates (thanks Pete, way to go!)……accompanying lots of love from their husbands and children.  Lovely lovely moments, even if the toast is burned, or if the flowers came from your own prize-winning rose bush.  YIKES!

It’s a reminder that life and love is not always perfect….and that happiness cannot be applied TO you….rather it must be cultivated from inside.

So my wish for you on this gorgeous Mothers Day….is that after you scrape the burn off that toast, and put your award winning roses into some water……get outside and do something for yourself.  Take that morning run, stop and smell the lilacs along the way.  Cultivate your Inner Happiness today and always.

Whether your Mothers Day is happy or not relies upon you and how well you take care of yourself all the year through……the trinkets and the tokens will quickly fade.  Happiness is a gift you give to yourself and will keep giving back your entire life.

Enjoy and Joy!

Ciao for now…….Diane

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