I spent the summer looking for my switch — just couldn’t make my body run without walking breaks. Then Friday, I ran 3 miles – s.t.r.a.i.g.h.t. And today, 1.5 miles – s.t.r.a.i.g.h.t. No breaks. No walking. And today — my run included my nemesis — the H.I.L.L. Ohhh, with every step, I could feel my core muscles seizing up — the “I’m about to vomit” feeling is juuuuust inches away. But I found my switch again.
Then it dawned on me — I was looking for my switch in my body. All this time, I was looking in the wrong place. Because the switch…is in my head.
I can turn it on whenever I want. I just need to want it badly enough!
Ciao for now….Diane