Monthly Archives: March 2014

Aqua Bootcamp

Aqua Bootcamp


While in Baltimore, I stay in a hotel that gains me access to the MAC gym. It’s a great place, very fit people, a.t.h.l.e.t.i.c. People. Ooooooh, let me in. Let me in.

With the sore ankle, I chose Aqua Bootcamp for last night. What an amazing class. Loved it, feeling a little achey today, so it did some good.

The best part of renewing my exercise habit last night was….that when I got back to my room at 7p. I took my shower, ate the dinner I brought with me….then was so tired that I watched some tv and got the best sleep.

No cookies! No chips! No cheating myself! How G.R.e.a.t that felt!

Ciao for now…..Diane