I’m so tired

I’m so tired

This is what I tell myself every day.  It’s the one thing that has been holding me back from doing my daily walk or run.  “Oh, start tomorrow Diane — you are too tired today.”  And tomorrow — it happens again.


But not today.  

Today — I decided the day would not end until I got my 12,000 steps in.  And so I opened the door, and went out.  5.6 miles and 13,500 steps later, I’m home.  Had a B.I.G. glass of water.  And……I’m stoked.  Like a freaking fire!

Not until this moment did I make myself remember that everyday, e.v.e.r.y. f.r.e.a.k.i.n. d.a.y. of my marathon training — I was tired.  But I made myself get up early, and dress, and go outside and do the 3 miles, the 6 miles, the 10, 15, 20 miles…..whatever the day required of me.  I was tired every day.  But when I got home…..  when it was all over, in the bag, DONE —- I was a freaking GORILLA!   Pounding my chest!  King of the World!

Ah – Ha Moment Diane.  Go Make It Happen!  Every day.

Ciao for now..Diane

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