Monthly Archives: May 2012

Who You Gonna Call? GHOST BUSTERS!

Who You Gonna Call? GHOST BUSTERS!

Right out of the box, I head to the Dictionary, looking for a clear understanding of what a ghost is.  I mean, we all know what ghosts are, right?  We grew up fearing they took up residence under our beds and in our closets.   Grateful to grow up, to become an adult, so there was nothing to fear.  No chance of ghosts scaring us, controlling us, or haunting us.  Or is there?  Ok, so maybe they don’t wake me from my sleep anymore.  But maybe, just maybe…..there is an apparition living in my house.  And I need to figure out how to get rid of it, O.N.C.E and for A.L.L. Read the rest of this entry

Marathon Training Phase 1 Week 3 Update

Marathon Training Phase 1 Week 3 Update

I’ve been on a little stay-cation over the Memorial Day weekend.  Since the girls didn’t use any snow days this past winter, the EB school system extended their spring break in April by 2 days, and then extended the Memorial Day weekend by another two days.  With the girls out of school on Friday and Tuesday, I managed to take the days off from work also, so we could spend some family time together.  Its been lovely….and I took time away from posting too, just giving my mind, body and spirit time off from ANY and ALL obligations.  Wow, it felt good.    Sorry for the delay in my updates 🙁    But I’m moving back into the work frame of mind, since I’m due back in the office tomorrow morning, and I owe you a Week 3 update.  So here we go. Read the rest of this entry

Lucky Me

Lucky Me
This is a story worth telling.  So, a number of months ago I had lost enough weight where I crossed a celebratory milestone.  I no longer fit into Plus-sized clothes.  Nope.  Too Big.  Say WHAT??  Yea, you heard me – I was now a normal size 16!!  Oh yea, Balloons and Streamers are falling from the sky like confetti!!  It’s THAT big a deal!  You with me ladies??  Oh yea. Read the rest of this entry

Operation “No iPod” Commences!

Operation “No iPod” Commences!
Marathon Brian’s next Challenge to me is ….start working on making myself mentally stronger!   Build mental strength.  Build mental strength.   So, what he is NOT saying, but what he IS insinuating is this:  ….Girl,  – to run, jog, walk, limp, crawl  26.2 miles….You’re Gonna Need It!  <GULP>.  Yes, Sir!  I’ll put that on my list.  Like, Right NOW!