#JoyRising – back to the burbs!

#JoyRising – back to the burbs!

Today we begin our move out of Baltimore City.

Our new home in Ellicott City, MD will finish sometime in February.  Until then we have decided to move out of our city apartment and into another temporary apartment closer to my work in Owings Mills.   We’re all packed.  We’re travelling light, but it’s still ALOT of work to move — no matter how simple you try to keep your life while in transition.

By tomorrow night, New Year’s Eve – we will be settled back in the burbs for our last (hopefully) temporary nest.  After this — the next stop —- H.O.M.E.  <3


Ciao for now….Diane

#JoyRising – revolving daughters

#JoyRising – revolving daughters

Peter is driving Erin back to campus as I type.    We thoroughly enjoyed the long Thanksgiving weekend with her home. Next home will be Caitlin.  In just 12 days, she will finish her fall semester at Rollins and board a plane home from Florida for winter break!  We’ll have Cait all to ourselves for a week before Erin s back.



Ciao for now..Diane