Quick peek at the calendar….. Valentine’s Day is coming. And I’m cooking up somethin’ J.u.i.c.y!
My husband is very good. He does me proud on Valentine’s Day. Actually, he’s a giver in general — so I often get surprised with tulips, or daffodils, or pussy-willows…..all of my favorites in February. Anything and everything to take my mind off the slush puddles in the parking lot! A Valentine’s Day Pick-me-up. Well…..I’ve had another idea bouncing around in my head for a while. I want to do a juice cleanse!!
So…..Happy Valentine’s Day to me!!
O.M.G Diane. Get real. On the day when the world is rolling their bodies around in chocolate — you are going to stop eating, and drink juice??? Yup. Yup. Yup. I am.
I went hunting for a way to hit the re-start button — and a juice cleanse was an idea that many many people found very helpful. It seems that during those 3 to 5 days when you are cleaning out your body of toxins, sugar, salts, and worse…..you are also cleaning out your mind….(um, er….and your colon!) BING!
So over the next three days, I will be getting myself ready for my cleanse. Begin to wean my body off the things that have been poisoning my mind, body, and spirit over the last 3 weeks…..and prepare to burst out of my chrysalis! It starts Friday!
Look out……One J.U.I.C.Y. Butterfly is on the way!
Ciao for now……Diane