So we made it to April! Whew…! Let’s Get Packing! April is Packing Month.
When I began this transition process, I knew that 2016 would bring me more questions than answers (at first!). So I set a rule for myself. It’s a back-to-basics kinda rule. Sorta one of those “I learned everything I need to know in Kindergarten” kinda rules. Here it is…(drumroll …..please!)……One. Step. At. A. Time!!
You’re let down? That wasn’t a good enough rule???
Oh I beg to differ. I’m telling you….over the past months, I have been asked by well-meaning…even myself…..more questions than one person can stand..without losing one’s mind! And when I manage to muster an answer to their first question….a landslide of follow-up inquiries come next ????? So. Many. Questions.
And the truth is — I don’t have answers. But all these loving friends…..were freaking me out with their questions. Making me nervous — at a time when I was working as HARD as I can to keep myself c.a.l.m.
So – One Step At A Time has become my answer.
Q: “Hey Diane, you’re house is on the market, where are you moving?” A: One step at a time.
Q: “Oh your house sold…when you closing?” A: One step at a time.
Q: ” How’d that interview go? Gonna get the job? …. A: One step at a time.
It really is the only way I have managed this transition so far….and still be able to sleep at night. Helps me feel like I don’t have to have all the answers today, tomorrow, or any other day. I’m just taking this process… And one day….I will take that last step….and I will have arrived! 🙂
So — April is here….and here is what we know. Our house has sold. I’m interviewing for jobs. When I land a job, it will guide where Peter and I move for our next home. Our house is targeted to close on April 28th. If we don’t have a job direction by then, we will put our furnishings in storage and head to Florida for a short period and continue the job search there.
So — April…is Packing Month. And with a little luck..May will be Un-Packing Month.
Either way — we are happy. And we stay on the path. One step at a time.
Lots of love from us! #ChooseHappiness365 (140/365)
Ciao for now…..Diane (and Peter)
( and p.s. — we know all your questions mean you love us. We love you too! As soon as we know, you will know! <3 )