Monthly Archives: February 2016

100 Days of Happiness (83/100)

100 Days of Happiness (83/100)

Every time…..e.v.e.r.y. s.i.n.g.l.e. time our chocolate lab Jewel sees me – her tail wags like a helicopter propeller that could lift her off of the ground!  I’m her mommy.  She L.O.V.E.S me.  This morning, when I walked into the kitchen, she woke up on her doggie bed, and began to wag.  Wag, wag, wag.  My smile appeared, my heart warmed, my mind brightened, my spirit lifted.  Every time….e.v.e.r.y. s.i.n.g.l.e. time I see Jewel…it’s like she is saying — You Are Such A Wonderful Person, and I Love You.  E.v.e.r.y. s.i.n.g.l.e. time.  I don’t think life can get any better than that.


Ditto Jewely-pup.  Ditto to you puppy.  #100happydays (83/100)

Ciao for now…Diane

100 Days of Happiness (80/100)

100 Days of Happiness (80/100)

Today was the day that led me to start this 100 happy day journey, at a time when “happiness” was what I needed more than anything else.  And here I am at t.o.d.a.y.

So, how does it feel?    Thanks to the 79 happy days leading up to today.  I feel – good!  Hopeful!  Excited!

Today was not the end of anything…..It was the beginning of something!  #100happydays (80/100)


Ciao for now….Diane