Yesterday was Day 1 — 30 minutes of run/walk intervals and I was flat on the floor. Catching my breath. Hoping someone would help me up. Luckily tomorrow is a rest day!
Yesterday was Day 1 — 30 minutes of run/walk intervals and I was flat on the floor. Catching my breath. Hoping someone would help me up. Luckily tomorrow is a rest day!
I’m starting Couch-to-5K again today. Week 1, Day 1. To be a runner, you need to look the part. So, a brand new fresh pair..seemed appropriate.
I’m full of emotions of late. Rather than attempt to name them all, I’ll just categorize them into — NoT GOoD! I’m feeling Old. Ick — what a horrible 3-letter word. O.L.D. That’s the blackest black cloud I can imagine right now. Being old before my time. I’ve been trapped in this black cloud for the greater part of 2014. That’s the bad news.
The good news….when you stay inside of it long enough…you are bound to find the silver lining.