Today, I am unemployed 11 days (but who’s counting 😉 right?) Look, I don’t wish it on anyone, the stress alone is hard to manage — but I continue working to keep my “Zen” about me, choosing to believe that something great is coming. The ‘not knowing’ is HARD. Selling our home, ‘not knowing’ where we are moving … IS HARD! But there is another side of the HARD coin. And that’s the promise of a new job. The excitement of a new home. The serenity of a newborn happiness. Ahhh, GIMME that HARD. I’ll eat it for lunch!
Anyway….until then. Until the new “great” comes….I’m looking for the bright side. Today’s bright side? Well…..I slept in….until 9:00am! WHAT THE???
Oh yeah! I slept so long, I woke up with a sleeping beauty headache! I haven’t slept that long since….[data is missing]…since who KNOWS! All I can say is, I’m going to e.n.j.o.y. the mornings I can sleep in and catch up on ALL those mornings I woke up before 5am to go to work. I’m going to l.o.v.e. these mornings that I don’t have to set the alarm clock…..and still hope they are as few as possible. #100happydays (91/100)
Ciao for now…..Diane