100 Days of Happiness (51/100)

100 Days of Happiness (51/100)

One birdie is back out of the nest, and the other is getting ready to jump!

We were all up early this morning, all 4 of us.  On our way to Newark Airport to get Caity back to Florida, back to school.  The line for the security checkpoint at the airport was i.n.s.a.n.e!  I’d never seen anything like it, but we were early (as they recommend).  While we waited for Caity a bit, we witnessed a number of people, frantic about the line.  You see, their planes were already boarding, and they had (easily) an hour wait in front of them.  I reminded my girls…THIS is why you leave yourself a lot of time.  A lot a lot.  So you have a nice, easy travel day.  So you never feel like those people we saw today — with panic written plainly on their faces.

After the farewell kisses to Caity – Peter, Erin and I went for a nice breakfast and then a day full of shopping.  College sundry shopping for Erin…bath and laundry supplies, a tea-pot, lots of little storage baskets, socks and pens, and the rest.  Lots of laughs filled the day.

In the car on the ride home, we received a text from Cait.  “I’ve landed.” she said.  All three of us let out a sigh of relief and Erin called out — “tell her don’t drink the fish!”  Say What?  You see, Caitlin is heading back to Rollins a week early to a) take an Intercession class on Writing Novels and b) to take part in Sorority Recruitment.  Caity is going to explore the process of joining a sorority.  All day long, Erin has been counseling Cait on all the things she should NOT do, JUST to join.  Such passion about it –  even though Cait assured her that Rollins does not allow hazing (and the fact that Caitlin Ann Cherniak is as true blue as they come!)  Still, Erin had to share the story of a friend of hers from Dublin, whose brother was hazed in the frat rush at Penn State and was made to drink a fish in a cup of bleach.  I HOPE the story is not true, but…..one can never know.

So that became the battle cry for Cait’s travel day.  “Remember,….don’t drink the fish!”  I laugh, because this is the girl who will only drink water, milk and OJ.  If she won’t drink Coca Cola or tea or coffee….the likelihood of her drinking a fish…..well……<0%.

So — off you go Caity.  Enjoy your Spring semester and Writing Novels!  Whatever happens during recruitment, I am assured that you will land where you belong, amongst sisters and fellow women who will love you [almost] as much as we do,

Oh and (for Erin) ….. Don’t drink the fish!  #100happydays (51/100)



Ciao for now…Diane

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