Monthly Archives: December 2011

It’s not about IF, it’s about When!

It’s not about IF, it’s about When!

All week I’ve felt very “In Control” with my eating.  And I’ve had a very busy week on both the work front and at home.  But no matter what was going on, I managed to keep my goals in terms of food in the front of my mind….. [Make Peace with Food and Treat Myself with only 1.   I’ve kept to my 30 ppvs every day this week!  I also have 10 weekly ppvs left over AND I have 54 Activity ppvs in the bank.  It’s been a STRONG week of control, restraint and conscious eating.   Then Friday happened. Read the rest of this entry

Warming Up!

Warming Up!

Like most iPhone users, I’ve fallen in love with the device because it’s such a handy tool for bringing information right to your fingertips no matter where you are.  When I am on the bus riding into my office in New York, I’ve made a new habit of checking in on the new articles that the Couch-to-5K Facebook site makes available.  This morning I stumbled on an article about Winter Sports Nutrition.  Since I’m nervous about keeping my running progress going during the brutal cold winter months – my eyes train right in on articles that might carry golden nuggets to help me with this. Read the rest of this entry