Monthly Archives: December 2015

100 Days of Happiness (38/100)

100 Days of Happiness (38/100)

You’ve heard of the term ‘heartstrings’, right?   The dictionary says ‘one’s heartstrings‘ is a term used in reference to one’s deepest feelings of love or compassion.  I’m a very visual person — so I believe my eyes are connected to my heartstrings.  I see something, and my heart comes to life.  Remembering all the wonderful….about that moment, that person…..oh yes – my heartstrings are l.i.v.e.  w.i.r.e.s.!

cones Read the rest of this entry

100 Days of Happiness (35/100)

100 Days of Happiness (35/100)

So you see — my mind is LOCKED on two things.  #1 Erin is coming home from Dublin tomorrow!  YAY!!  and #2  We will decorate the Christmas Tree tomorrow!  YAY again!

A silly thing that I’m thinking about.  Some time-honored traditions from the past are hard to find in these modern times.  Example:  Tinsel.  Yea, tinsel!  I LOVE TINSEL!  My mom would let us kids just DRAPE the tree in tinsel.  That thing could stop traffic, it was so shiny.

tinsel Read the rest of this entry

100 Days of Happiness (34/100)

100 Days of Happiness (34/100)

One of my a.b.s.o.l.u.t.e.l.y. favorite things — is decorating the Christmas Tree.  Oh, it’s the best!  It’s wonderful!  It’s fun!  I love LOVE L.O.V.E looking at all the ornaments and telling the stories about where they came from, and why, and who, and ahhh….it’s just perfect! <3

We are waiting this year – until Erin comes home from Dublin – to decorate the tree.  So the boxes are still in the basement, waiting, waiting, waiting.  And I’m upstairs, in the house, waiting, waiting….waiting!  Then all of a sudden, in a kitchen cabinet, I find this adorable blue box.

Have you ever received something WONDERFUL….but then forgotten?

This happened to me, today.  Just when I needed it.

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