Monthly Archives: May 2012

Marathon Training Phase 1: Week One Results!

Marathon Training Phase 1: Week One Results!

Total and Complete Satisfaction are the words that come to my mind when I think about how Week One of my Weight Loss and Speed Phase of Training (Phase 1).  This doesn’t mean that everything went perfectly….Ohhh Noooo, not at all.  Blech.  Who wants perfect anyway?  Perfect is B.O.R.I.N.G.  (LMAO!!)  The Satisfaction comes because ….I KNOW I gave it my all, and I LEARN-ed things.  That’s GREAT payback from Week 1. Read the rest of this entry



WHEW……first, let me say.  I DID IT!  My first Interval Training Session.  I’m so happy.  I DID IT!!  The first thing I want to do whenever I accomplish something NEW, is celebrate it!  Because I’m sooo used to going straight for analyzing it, and measuring it, and working it and improving it…..and all that is Great!  (Notice how I didn’t say judging it or criticizing it?    G.O.N.E!  Remember?  I left those things on the road near the Finish Line in New Brunswick on April 22nd, and they have NOT crept back home to my house.  No No No!!) .  So, Step 1:  Celebrate!  WoooHooo!  Intervals.  Ok Step 2:  Analyze!  D@mn, they’re Hard! Read the rest of this entry

In need of a good reminder

In need of a good reminder

I’m getting close to starting something NEW.  A NEW component to my running regimen.  Just typing the word “NEW“,  I can feel the butterflies in my stomach flutter a bit.  NEW can be exciting, but along with the excitement creeps shadows of our old friend WORRY.  “I hope I can do this NEW thing”, whispers my Worry Brain.   So… the days leading up to my NEW endeavors, it was time for a good reminder of just how much I am capable of. Read the rest of this entry

Fear of Success? WHAT?

Fear of Success? WHAT?

In one way or another, I’ve been tripping over this concept this week — Something called Fear of Success.  I was like, WHAT?  Fear of Success, WTF was that?  I understood and completely identified with Fear of Failure.  Perfectionists wear that fear like a second skin.  It’s familiar, it fits with the right amount of tight constriction around the throat…LOL.  But Fear of Success?  That was a new one.  So I set out to explore this idea, because it sounds suspiciously like what might be keeping me from getting below that 200 pound weight target I set for myself on January 1st.  (Quick Calendar check — its MAY already.  YIKES!)  Well, like the old saying goes….There’s no Better Time than the Present.  Read the rest of this entry

Short N Sweet

Short N Sweet

Drove home from work in Stamford, Ct last night, psyching myself up to run when I got home.  I’m a morning person, so finding energy to exercise after a long day of work is a steep challenge for me.  Add to that……how heavy and slow and tired i felt on Sunday! And what a bust that run was.  Ugh.  Wasn’t looking forward to it.  But…..I still owed Today what Today required of me, so.  No choice. Read the rest of this entry

Everything I need to know….I learned on the back of a T-Shirt

Everything I need to know….I learned on the back of a T-Shirt

As I write tonight, I’m wearing my favorite One More Mile shirt.  I bought it when I started running and it reads on the back, “Dear God, Please let there be someone behind me to read this. “  LOL  I think that’s the silent prayer of any beginner runner.   It certainly was mine. Read the rest of this entry

Good intentions are not enough

Good intentions are not enough

All week-long I’ve been telling myself….your foot feels fine — time to get back out there — time to start running again to maintain your base.  Although I KNEW this in my head, and I WANTED it in my spirit…..Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday….Th…F…Saturday went by in a flash, and my running shoes stayed in the closet.  It wasn’t until I sat myself down and worked out my Marathon Training Plan WITH a Schedule….that the rubber of my running shoes hit the road.   I had good intentions all week-long.  Good intentions are important.  But like the old proverb says “The road to hell is paved with good intentions.”  Good intentions are not enough…..they’ll never be enough…….you need Action to make a difference.   So — Sunday….I can always run on Sunday…..and So It Was!  Like Magic!   Nah, not really.   Read the rest of this entry

Cheaters Never Prosper.

Cheaters Never Prosper.

Weigh in yesterday taught me a lesson that I DON’T  want to forget E>V>E>R!   I’ve been on Running Rest for two weeks, remember?   Right.  So, for whatever reason….I seemed to have forgotten not to eat as much food as when I was running 30 miles a week.  “But Diane, You are a Weight Watcher.  You track your food via daily, weekly and earned activity points plus values……how could you just forget?”     GOOD QUESTION.  The short answer is….I’m a Cheater.  The long answer is more complicated.  Er….Nah, if I’m being honest, it’s really not.  I’m a Cheater.  Period.  And it’s got to stop if I want to be successful.  It’s about that Simple.  So let’s get started doing that.  K? Read the rest of this entry